Connections to Hist 3510: A Research Paper from Soci 3610

Income Inequality Causes Gaps in the Education System

This semester I was in Sociology 3610 (Social Inequality). With a focus on Canada, this class looked at inequality caused by racialization, class, gender, age, and the effects of inequality on education and health. For the final research paper, students were allowed to come up with their own topic based on a Canadian issue of inequality. I chose to research how income inequality creates gaps in the education system. I discovered three themes: parent variables (level of education a parent received, their marital status, and immigrant parents), racial inequality, and healthy children (how income inequality affects a child’s health, which then affects their education).

While we didn’t discuss this exact topic in History 3510, I felt as though I could take what I learned from class and apply it to my research for Soci 3610. I think I was able to take the material from Hist 3510 and apply it to a bigger spectrum of research. This showed me that the curriculum from one class doesn’t always have to be unique to that particular subject. I was able to take history material and use it to enhance my understanding of a sociology topic. Furthermore, the research knowledge I gained from taking Hist 3510 helped me to expand my research for other classes as well.

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